本記事はアフィリエイトプログラムによる収益を得ています 最近、主にパソコンで使うために使うディスプレイ(モニター)において「USB Type-C ...
サンワサプライ株式会社は、USBハブ付きのUSB Type-Cケーブル「400-HUBC34」を発売した。カラーはブラックとシルバー。直販サイト「サンワダイレクト」での販売価格は2280円。
These are, by now, a tried and true kind of USB-C chip – you will find these from at least a dozen different manufacturers; if you find a few ICs that have the same pinout, it’ll be hard for ...
The ATtiny84A BGA package. Granted, there are only contacts on one side of the PCB, but that shouldn't matter with the symmetric USB-C pinout, right? ...Right? (foreshadowing) The 3mm-square ATtiny ...
I like the idea to have a single USB-C connector which can be used for USB 2.0 and also gives access to SWD (single wire debugging) both on the same USB-C connector. With USB-C DAM (Debug Accessory ...
USB-C is one of those things that generally everyone seems to agree on that it is a ‘good thing’, but is it really? In this first part of a series on USB-C, [Andreas Spiess] takes us through ...