Space-Time Smackdown is an upcoming expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket. This update will add new cards, alongside seemingly new types of cards, and finally introduces the long-awaited trading feature.
Nicole Carpenter is a senior reporter specializing in investigative features about labor issues in the game industry, as well as the business and culture of games. Pokémon TCG Pocket is getting a ...
Viz Media announced 16 new physical and digital licenses and releases on Friday. The company added it will also make more ...
This all comes after an announcement from Viz, where they surprised the fans. So far, Viz has not given an exact date, but they have given fans a time frame, which is to be released in the fall of ...
What are the best games like Pokemon on PC? If you want to emulate the real thing on PC you probably can, but we wouldn’t know anything about illegal activities like that. Honest. What we can do ...
From Ash's humble Pallet Town beginnings to the introduction of a new generation in Pokemon Horizons, the task of watching the Pokemon TV show in order has become pretty unsurmountable in recent ...
An Instagram user has gone went viral explaining why he believes the popular mobile game Pokémon Go has, "Probably been evil the entire time." In a video posted to his 300,000 followers, user ...
RWBY has survived Rooster Teeth and is now a part of the Viz Media family, with new content on the way. Boruto’s latest series is making its way to North America and here’s when you will see ...
Japanese YouTuber Hajimesyacho revealed on January 19 that he has been hitting the daily spending limit in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket every day since the game released on October 30, 2024. This ...
Steady yourselves, Black Clover fans. Season five of the hit anime series hasn't had an update, and didn't land in 2024 as some were hoping. The show has been on hiatus ever since its fourth ...
The platform also hosts new shows as they air on Japanese TV, simulcasting them for an international audience, and has a massive library of older shows stretching back into the medium's earliest ...