Here is a nice hack you may find very useful if you have a cheaper bench power supply that supports constant current limit protection (CC mode) and the only way to set or check your max current ...
[Guido Socher] built himself a great little bench power supply that’s able to put out 30 Volts at 2 Amps. Instead of taking the easy way out by putting a few taps on an ATX power supply ...
There is a ton of material on the internet about DIY bench power supplies based on TI LM2576 [1], TI LM2587 [2] and TI LM2596 [3] buck/boost converters. I used [4], [5] and [6] as a starting point for ...
This is a power supply with a linear ouput stage and a switching pre regulator. In the future it will be controlled via a microcontroller doughter board. The power to the supply is comes from USB ...