Despite its small size, the vacuum comes with a powerful motor to suck up dirt, dust and pet hair from even the most ...
The cordless vacuum has a run time of 45 minutes when fully charged and is specifically designed to pick up pet hair ...
As spring cleaning gets underway for many, shoppers are seemingly replacing their vacuums for a 'fantastic' Amazon model. The Ultenic U12 vacuum cleaner is currently on Amazon for £140 - but a new ...
I put stick, upright and cylinder vacuums through real-life cleaning scenarios to see which one came out on top ...
Hoping to invest in a new vacuum, mop or air purifier this season? Shark's popular household products are now up to 40% off ...
Ryobi has a tool for almost everything, and if you're gearing up to deep clean your house, then you'll want to have these ...
We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our website, to show you personalized ...
生活家電などを手がけるシャークニンジャ(東京都渋谷区)は、コードレス・スティッククリーナー「SharkEVOPOWERSYSTEMFIT(シャークエヴォパワーシステムフィット)」シリーズ2モデルを、2025年3月6日に全国の家電量販店およびインターネ ...
新生活を迎えて掃除機を新調する時、コードレススティックタイプは場所を取らず使いやすい。大容量の紙パックにごみをためて圧縮する機種や、掃除が難しい場所に届きやすい商品、好きな時にごみを移せる回収ドック ...
ケルヒャー ジャパンから登場した「 OC 5 Handy CB 」は、片手で使えるガンタイプのモバイル高圧洗浄機。外付けのリチウムイオンバッテリーで駆動し、 コンセントのない場所でもコードレスで利用可能。 バッテリーはUSB ...
You just put on back brace and pull its straps over your shoulders — similar to a backpack — and its semi-flexible support ...