Jude Norris of Carlisle was named to the Dean's List at the University of Minnesota for maintaining a grade-point average of 3.66 or higher during the fall semester.
Blake A. Kennedy graduated with a bachelor of science degree from the University of Wyoming in Laramie. This content was contributed by a user of the site. If you believe this content may be in ...
Iowa State University graduate school programs have started rescinding offers to prospective students as departments scramble to respond to funding uncertainties.
The Republican leaders of the Iowa Legislature’s tax committees released their property tax proposal Thursday.
A number of bills were passed out of a committee last week so they would be eligible for debate on the floor. Here are some ...
Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a sweeping bill passed by GOP lawmakers to take away civil rights from some of our fellow Iowans.
The first funnel week is complete as of March 7th! This is a critical deadline in the legislative process because it marks ...
March is finally here, and that means we’re chomping at the bit for planting season. On my farm and those around me, we’re ...
The city still has a $1.8 million gap in its budget. The city council is still deciding in the next few weeks, as city ...
One of my goals as your mayor is to publish this semi-regular City update called the “Mayor’s Memo.” I am hoping we can keep ...
Junior Kaelyn Tally has officially qualified for the National Collegiate Gymnastics Association (NCGA) Championships on vault ...
The big question hanging over last week’s Indianola City Council’s discussion of funding for Kiya Koda was simple.