Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. downplayed the severity of a Texas measles outbreak during Trump’s first Cabinet ...
LUBBOCK, Texas (THE TEXAS TRIBUNE) - A school-aged child has died in Lubbock from measles, the first death reported in an ...
A child in West Texas has died of measles, state health officials said on Wednesday, the first reported US death from the highly contagious disease in a decade. It comes after an outbreak in Texas ...
As cases continue to rise in Texas' largest measles outbreak in 30 years with at least one death reported, some people might ...
はしかの流行が拡大している米テキサス州で、子ども1人が死亡した。米国で、はしかによる死亡例が報告されたのは10年ぶり。 同州北西部に位置するラボック市の公衆衛生責任者キャサリン・ウェルズ氏によると、子どもは同市内の病院で26日午前に死亡した。同市報道官によれば、この子どもは学齢期で、ワクチンは未接種だったという。
(Reuters) - A child in West Texas has died of measles, state health officials said yesterday, the first reported U.S. death from the highly contagious ...
The measles outbreak in Texas has led to a rise in confirmed cases, reaching 124, and the Lubbock health department reported ...
As the West Texas measles outbreak continues to grow, so is concerns over who is high risk and how to protect yourself.
Some people think of measles as just a little rash and fever that clear up in a few days. But measles can cause serious health complications, especially in children younger than 5 years old.
A child in West Texas has died from measles, the first U.S. fatality from the virus since 2015. The outbreak, centred in the ...