A south suburban community is rallying around a family-run farm after they lost their entire flock of hens to a bird flu outbreak. It is something farmers across the country are dealing with and it’s ...
A few cats have died from bird flu after eating raw food. And some raw pet food products have been recalled. Here's what to know about the risks to your fur babies, and how to keep them safe.
Crescent Duck Farm in Aquebogue will have to euthanize every bird at the facility after H5N1 bird flu was confirmed in the flock.
Ohio Department of Health director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff cautioned Ohioans to continue to take these illnesses seriously.
Hi all! Sam Ruland, service editor, here filling in for Rosa this week. What a week, Philly! We’re riding high as we approach the NFC championship this Sunday at 3 p.m. against Washington. Whether you ...
California has also reported bird flu infections in cats fed raw milk or pet food. In one Los Angeles household, five cats got sick — and two died — after eating two kinds of raw pet food. Samples ...
The wonderful Internet explains that scientists believe that modern birds evolved from a specific kind of dinosaur called Theropods. This is the family that includes Tyrannosaurus Rex and ...
As a chef, I think everyone should know about the importance of brining, making salad dressings, and freezing garlic and Parmesan rinds when cooking.