A jury has found two men guilty of bashing and stabbing a man to death before dumping his body in a pit and filling it with ...
~CO2吸収コンクリート製の舗装ブロックを日本国際博覧会へ~ 鹿島(社長:天野裕正)と川崎重工(社長:橋本康彦)は、川崎重工が保有するDAC(Direct Air Capture)技術を用いて大気から回収したCO2を利用して、鹿島らが開発したCO2吸収コンクリート「CO2-SUICOM(R)(シーオーツースイコム)」を製造することに成功しました。 川崎重工が開発したDACは、独自開発した固体吸収材 ...
本実証試験は、CPCCがコンクリートへのCO2吸収固定に取り組む中で、回収することでカーボンネガティブにつながるバイオマス由来の削減価値のあるCO2の活用の社会実装を見据えて清掃一組および日鉄エンジニアリングに協力を依頼し、実現しました。両者が板橋清 ...
The federal government may have to scale down its plan to adopt concrete technology in road infrastructure nationwide due to ...
Cracking the case of a 50-year-old woman, who had gone missing in Nov last year, police have arrested an electrician for ...
Liverpool were dispatched in a penalty shoot-out at the wrong end of Anfield, their nerve finally failing at precisely the ...
After reflecting on a “chilling” phone call in which the two men laughed about the crime, a judge sentenced them to life in ...
Las Vegas has mastered the art of tearing down its past to make room for the latest. So what is the next chapter?
Think you have what it takes to be crowned Broadway's Biggest Fan? Here's your chance to win the title, and a trip to New ...
Agra: In a ray of hope for the family of a missing Indian chef in Maldives, the Delhi high court (HC) has directed Indian ...
Joining the Pack For decades, Southwest built its brand on being the anti-airline – a customer-friendly alternative to the ...
Related: Kathy Hilton Reveals the Sweet Secret of Her 44-Year Marriage to Husband Rick (Exclusive) According to Hilton, ...