The Haukohl Family Collection” is currently on view at the Georgia Museum of Art through May 18. Mark Fehrs Haukohl, ...
In The Uncanny Muse, he traces the history of automation in the arts.
A joint effort by academic researchers, professional art restorers and experts from the public sector and companies has resulted in the discovery of works of art, artists and documents from the São ...
New research suggests that Caravaggio painted one of the Baroque era’s most dramatic nativity ... Now, a discovery by a young art historian has confirmed that theory while also throwing up ...
The University of York are hosting a free (registration required) conference in July on the subject of The Global Baroque: ...
The chords used in major and minor tonalities were also major or minor - or diatonic. The use of ground bass was common in the Baroque period. Composers would use a ground bass to structure their ...