毎月4の付く日(4日,14日,24日)に掲載する連載「今日から始めろApple Arcade」では,「Apple Arcade」で配信中の200タイトル以上ものゲームの中から毎回1本をチョイスし,オススメポイントを紹介していく。第24回は,グレッゾの「JET DRAGON」を取り上げる。
Joining the roster on February 5, Mai is guest character who comes from the world of SNK fighters like Fatal Fury. If you didn’t know that connection, though, you’d probably mistake her for a proper ...
スクウェア・エニックスは本日23:00,PC版「FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH」の配信を,SteamおよびEpic Games Store にて開始する。今回,2024年2月末にリリースされたPlayStation ...
If you’re a Blake Lively fan or just discovering her work, Netflix offers several of her movies and shows that you can stream ...
It's gone from a small, humble hobby for little kids to a global-wide, all-ages entertainment phenomenon that's rivals that ...
Feeling organised? Ready to manage? Our list of the best simulator games will give you a choice of fresh new careers to try.