So, no longer content to go to an arcade to get his fix, [The Q] welded his own motorcycle simulation rig for playing racing games at home. After an initial design was sketched out, rectangular ...
We expect to deliver a single cycle processor simulator that can accept a few assembly instructions and show where the information would begin and end in a single cycle processor. Design a model for ...
I estimated the frontalArea from a flat section of a ride I did between time 00:15:47 - 00:17:32. Then in the "Power (meter)" graph for that section I produced an avgerage Power of 142W at an average ...
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Abstract: This paper describes a user-centred design process that has been used to develop an innovative simulator for research into motorcycle ergonomics and rider human factors. Building on initial ...
A group of university students in Edinburgh are calling for a publicly-owned bike hire scheme in the city to be created.
The NFCSS is a computer simulation system that uses simplified approaches to calculate nuclear fuel cycle requirements. The system, formerly known as VISTA, provides a detailed description of the ...
A group of university students in Edinburgh are calling for a publicly-owned bike hire scheme in the city to be created.
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