どーもこんにちは。ギタリストの小川智也です。 今回は速弾きや運指練習でよく使われる Cメジャースケール(3ノートパーストリングス)の TAB譜です Cメジャースケール(3ノートパーストリングス)のPDF楽譜は下記の有料部分からダウンロードできます。
Of course, scales does not have to begin with the C note. If a piece of music was composed with a major scale that starts with a note other than C, then applying the same formula as above, we end up ...
Whether a given note is deemed sharp or flat largely depends on the current ... every chord contains alternate notes of the C ...
between A and B there’s A# (A sharp), also known as Bb (B flat). Likewise, between C and D there’s C#, or Db. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the D major scale, which consists of the notes D ...