The church choirs from Bruton Parish Episcopal Church are heading overseas later this month to sing in five Church of England cathedrals.
Southern Adventist University’s School of Music will host the Honors Choir Festival Concert on Saturday, Feb. 15, at 4 p.m.
Sebastian Currier’s “Mysterium” is based on the husband-and-wife team of scientist Robbert Dijkgraaf and novelist Pia de Jong.
Germantown Presbyterian’s music director will lead his final service Sunday. He’s held various positions in a 60-year career.
William Mahrt, a towering figure in sacred music, left a legacy of preserving the Church’s traditional liturgical songs.
A multicultural choir will give a performance designed to promote unity and diversity at the First Congregational Church of ...
The sacred performance signals a deepening of Catholic-Orthodox dialogue and a potential step toward a papal visit to Serbia.
A festival aimed at amplifying Black music and artists, returns to Charlotte. The annual Black Notes Project will make its second appearance this year, celebrating jazz music. The event will feature ...
This week’s classical music recommendations include a wide variety of musical styles. A good opportunity to venture out of ...
The Mass schedule at St. Charles Catholic Church, 31 Cherry Hill St., is as follows: Wednesday through Friday at 9 a.m., ...
Are you a high school student or adult who loves to sing? Do you want to share your talents, learn new skills, or simply have fun in a welcoming and supportive environment? Community Baptist Church ...
Born into a deeply religious home, where his father was a clergyman and a pianist, Buga’s journey into music started from the choir stands of the church.