Coping skills are the strategies and behaviors that you use to deal with stressful situations. They can be positive or negative, adaptive or maladaptive, problem-focused or emotion-focused.
Even if you're not always thinking about this stress, it can be like a background soundtrack playing in your life. Finding ways to cope, including talk with a friend or trusted adult, can help protect ...
The Serenity Prayer is an effective summary of research on coping. As I discuss in my book Finding Goldilocks, the well-known ...
As daily pressures mount in modern life, more people seek natural ways to manage stress and anxiety. While medication plays an important role for some, many ...
You are not alone if you have unmanaged stress! There are many helpful resources to help reduce stress and enhance coping skills.
Your tolerance level for coping with and effectively managing such stress can decrease ... You can take advantage of the ...
They are only meant to support their well-being. Coping skills for kids are necessary to help them manage stress and emotions ...
Stress is the body’s natural response to ... but developing certain coping skills is also essential. These tips may help you relieve anxiety symptoms as they arise and before they become more ...
All kids and teens feel stressed at times. Stress is a normal response to changes and challenges. And life is full of those — even during childhood. We tend to think of stress as a bad thing, caused ...
To be a coper means to have skills in: Stress management Time management Problem-solving Decision-making Life-style management Another way we can improve our coping mechanisms is to improve or enhance ...