That said, where a maker faces a problem, building a solution swiftly follows; and — if you lack a metal brake like YouTuber [makjosher] — building one of your own can be accomplished in short ...
To make his press brake, [Rupert] scavenged a few pieces of ... One trick [Rupert] picked up is scoring the sheet metal on the inside of a future bend. For [Rupert]’s project, he sent his ...
In this episode of Hagerty DIY, I’ll be guiding you through bending steel brake or fuel lines. This process is a good one for saving some cash when repairing either your vintage or modern vehicle. In ...
Welded on the exhaust pipe and linked to the old handbrake handle with a steel wire ... But when the DIY exhaust brake was activated, creating back pressure and putting extra force on the pistons ...