As millions of people break their Ramadan fast, many believers around the world reach for a wildly popular dish tied to an ...
Pie, pita, torta, tarte. No matter what it’s called, the idea applies across the globe. Everyone loves a piece of filled, baked goodness. March 14 is Pi Day in honor of the first three digits of the ...
Pie, pita, torta, tarte. No matter what it’s called, the idea applies across the globe. Everyone loves a piece of filled, ...
The Egyptian people consider the tradition of helping the disadvantaged and the poor during Ramadan and compete in this ...
東京では世界各国の料理を味わえるが、今日は「エジプト」という選択をしてみてはどうだろう。エジプト料理というと馴染みがないという人もいるかもしれないが、米、マカロニなどにトマトソースをかけて混ぜた「コシャリ」や、中東でよく食べられるファラフェルに似たソ ...