In 2013, the global prevalence of glaucoma was estimated at 64 million people, which rose to 80 million by 2020. Treatments ...
株式会社日創プラス(本社:福岡県福岡市、代表取締役:孟一蘇)は、美容・健康機器ブランド『NIPLUX』シリーズから、目元ケア機器「EYE RELAX S」を予約販売開始しました。 従来のEYE RELAXがさらに進化し、快適性と機能性を追求したEYE ...
Redness is common in dry eye, but avoid drops that promise “redness relief.” Most contain vasoconstrictors, which narrow blood vessels and can worsen dry eye symptoms. When the condition is severe, ...
This outpatient procedure is a safe and effective way to improve your vision—and many patients say it’s life-changing.
The Eye Institute (TEI), a leader in comprehensive eye care and specialized dry eye treatment, is sharing expert tips to help patients safeguard their vision and comfort throughout the colder months .