Experiencing a burning sensation when you urinate, during intimacy or even just when sitting down can set off alarm bells in ...
Ideally, your urine should be pale yellow and clear. But if you've ever noticed it appears milky or hazy, you may be wondering, "Why is my pee cloudy?" While cloudy pee can be alarming, there's good ...
Winter mornings are difficult and we get it. While usually, it is a time of rejuvenation and freshness, for some, they also bring an irritating problem: itchy ears. If you find yourself constantly ...
Home remedies like lemon and garlic are often touted as quick fixes for high blood pressure, but do they really do the trick? Dr Max Fritschka, a heart specialist from Charité Berlin, has shed ...
People take medicines to control their uric acid levels and some people also resort to home remedies. However, there's this one way which can help you control your uric acid levels without ...