My boyfriend, who has since become my husband, set out to prove me wrong and make my dreams of being a writer with a proper ...
The day gaming desks were renamed to battle stations, I knew marketing targeted to my demographic was always going to be just a touch batshit. Now you can get desks complete with RGB lighting ...
Depending on the version you choose, the desks retail on the Ikea site for about $499 and up. Produced by Devan Joseph. Video courtesy of Ikea. Follow BI Video: On Facebook More from Strategy The ...
She painted the textured BJÖRKÖVIKEN doors bright blue (Behr's Deep River), and each NANNARP leg beneath the desk adds a pop of color, too. A freestanding IKEA desk fits snugly under this ...
And now, there’s a new addition to the Billy bookcase line and it has the most impressive space-saving feature yet — a Billy bookcase with desk and drawer. While the IKEA Pahl holds fast in ...
This is library and a CLI (command line interface) tool to control Linak desks with bluetooth support. This unit is used in IKEA IDÅSEN desks. It should work fine with other LINAK desks, but I have ...
No further development on this, as there is a proper homebridge plugin now: homebridge-linak Ads the standing desk as a controllable blind to the home app. You can then move that blind up and down and ...