Mosquito resistance in Costa Rica is rising, threatening dengue control in 2025. Discover why and how to fight back with ...
such as mosquitoes, to survive exposure to insecticides that were previously effective in killing them. Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs): Mosquito nets that are treated with insecticides and ...
In susceptible mosquitoes, the insecticide causes the sodium channel to remain open, paralysing and killing the insect. Elsewhere in the world, the consequences of mosquitoes becoming resistant to ...
"Here we show that VESTA insecticide paint is effective at killing Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, in the city of Praia for at least one year," said lead author Lara Ferrero Gomez, PhD, in a ...
Philippines - Recent Communities in the Philippines are turning to creative solutions to combat the dengue outbreak as cases ...