The risk of parasites during the grazing season can loom the whole summer, but most deworming products are unable to provide protection for the entire duration. Knowing what products are available, ...
Canine hookworms are becoming increasingly resistant to drugs across Australia, according to new research. Scientists at The University of Queensland and The University of Sydney have identified ...
Cancer is not a parasite — it grows from mutations in a person’s cells. Parasites are separate organisms that live on or in another host organism. Some studies have shown ivermectin can help ...
A common deworming drug used in dogs and cats may help to cure cancer in humans, but doctors urge caution over the unproven method. Fenbendazole, known by its brand names Panacur and Safe-Guard ...
As college film classics go, "Animal House" is the right movie for all the wrong reasons: rancid low-brow humor that wouldn't fly by today's standards. That said, it's also the perfect movie for ...