Celebrities and athletes often aim to turn fame into fortune, but billionaire investor Mark Cuban warns they often mismanage ...
Spotify is rumored to developing a new subscription tier dubbed Music Pro. While unannounced, reports indicate that the new ...
LE SSERAFIMが、2月17日(月)午前0:00、Global Superfan PlatformのWeverseを通じて、5thミニ・アルバム『HOT』を3月14日(金)にリリースすることを発表。前作4thミニ・アルバム『CRAZY』以降、韓国で約7ヵ月ぶりにリリースする作品で、愛することに全力を尽くすLE SSERAFIMの「HOT」な態度が込められた楽曲となります。 あわせて、HYBE ...
For the past 20 or so years, I have been an entrepreneur. What that means is that I don’t like holding a regular job, have too many ideas at any one time bouncing around my cerebrum, and that I’m not ...