Poison Ivy sacrifices herself to save the world, solidifying her transformation into a hero. Her act of heroism brings her ...
A misanthropic eco-terrorist, Poison Ivy is also depicted as an anti-hero, using her powers in attempts to regrow the environment in the wake of pollution and deforestation. Together with her ...
Leaves of three, let them be! You've probably heard that little rhyme about poison ivy. But did you know that the plants poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac all contain the same rash-causing ...
The 'Big Bang Theory' star and Priceline spokesperson imagined a perfect destination for the crime-fueled duo while chatting ...
Emma Frost is a mainstay of the X-Men who has proved herself as a hero many times over. But there was a time before that when ...
So when asked where the beloved anti-hero and her equally formidable partner, Poison Ivy, would go for a getaway, the Priceline spokesperson had a couple of ideas. The Harley Quinn animated series ...