This cancer-patient dad of three young kids is grateful for a "sci-fi" blood treatment advanced by Vanderbilt and oncologist Dr. Olalekan Oluwole.
During a live event, Alexander I. Spira, MD, PhD, and participants discuss efficacy, adverse events, and sequencing of EGFR-mutated NSCLC treatments.
Continuous administration of ranibizumab with a port delivery system provides an alternative to frequent intravitreal ...
A 32-year-old Ventura County fire engineer died late last week after contracting cancer in the line of duty, officials ...
In The Lancet Hematology, Jorge E Cortes and colleagues1 report a phase 1/2 study on vodobatinib in patients with resistance ...
The dedicated cruise port and surrounding facilities were opened in 2006, following a significant investment from the Turks and Caicos Tourism Board and Carnival Cruise Line. The port and its ...
Also called an implanted port, port-a-cath or medi-port, a chemo port has two parts: the port and the catheter. The port is a quarter-sized plastic or metal disc. (If you have the metal kind ...
Sometimes, you may have intravenous chemotherapy over a few days through a small, portable pump attached to your central line or PICC line. This allows you to go home during your treatment.
Chemotherapy is often an important part of a treatment plan for many types of cancer. While it has many benefits, it is also known to cause various side effects. Some of them are serious. One side ...
Oral chemotherapy is chemotherapy that a person can swallow, meaning that there is no need for needles or an IV line. Some examples of oral chemotherapy medications include: The dosage a person ...
Finnlines confirmed to speak at Coastlink 2025 alongside IKEA, Tailwinds Shipping, and Port of Bilbao on the ‘What Do Shippers Want?’ panel Blasco Majorana, line manager at Finnlines Plc, oversees the ...
How soon you can start chemotherapy after having your port placed can depend on certain factors, including the urgency in beginning treatment and your recovery following port insertion.