【ニューヨーク=吉田圭織】米飲料大手コカ・コーラが11日発表した2024年10〜12月期決算は、純利益が前年同期と比べ11%増の21億9500万ドル(約3300億円)だった。全地域で売上高が上昇し、北米や中南米・南米が特に好調だった。売上高は6%増の ...
【米国株式市場】ニューヨーク市場NYダウ: 44,593.65 △123.24 (2/11)NASDAQ: 19,643.86 ▼70.41 (2/11) ...
STORY: Wall Street's main indexes ended mixed on Tuesday, with the Dow gaining about three-tenths of a percent, the S&P 500 closing roughly flat and the Nasdaq shedding more than a third of a percent.
NEW YORK - Wall Street’s main indexes ended mixed on Feb 11 as gains in Coca-Cola and Apple offset losses in Tesla, while ...
Despite Trump threatening new steel and aluminum tariffs over the weekend, major stock indexes rose on Monday, as "investors already appear to have become inured to those pronouncements" just weeks ...
Here's a look at how weekly regional gas prices changed in New England region last week compared with the week prior.
【NQNニューヨーク=矢内純一】11日の米株式市場でダウ工業株30種平均は続伸し、15時現在は前日比131ドル70セント高の4万4602ドル11セントで推移している。2024年10〜12月期決算を同日発表したコカ・コーラなど一部の主力株に買いが入り、 ...
Refrigerators, beers and bicycles stand at risk of higher prices as a result of tariffs on steel and aluminum announced by ...
Coca-Cola's stock was climbing 3.8% in recent trading to pace the Dow's percentage gainers, but given it's relatively low price, it's not providing much of a boost to the price-weighted index. The ...
The beverage giant is guiding for net revenue growth in the range of 3% to 4% in the first quarter and EPS growth of 4% to 6% ...
Atlanta-based Coca-Cola said new tariffs on aluminum announced by the Trump administration will increase the cost of cans for its business of selling beverages in the U.S., but CEO James Quincey said ...
How tariffs on steel and aluminum imports could impact Americans 02:20. President Trump's tariffs on aluminum could make Coca-Cola more expensive. Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey said ...