Much time and effort has been spent here and elsewhere on homelessness. Locally, Safe Harbor has been a godsend, but only serves some homeless persons some of the time and buying or building each ...
Lee Hamilton’s “Checks and balance were made for this moment” (Record-Eagle 12-29-24) has more faith than I do in our Constitution’s strength in handling the abuse of another Trump regime.
I am writing about “Ill-Informed Americans help Trump return to the White House” (Reading Eagle, Jan. 8).The letter stated that President Donald Trump was reelected due to those who consume ...
Folks, we have a new president. A man who thinks he won by such a landslide that he can rule the world. As is often the case, he has trouble with the truth. He won by a plurality. That means he ...
Beth Hayden, a math teacher at Bonny Eagle High School, was one of this year's recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Beth Hayden, who has been ...
“Funny math returns as Republicans regain power” (Reading Eagle, Jan. 18) is a great commentary by Catherine Rampell. The article was factual and understandable by a high school economics studen ...
Girl Scout cookie season is approaching, and soon there will be a whole lot of them in Arlington and Falls Church. At publication time, least 16 cookie booths are planned across the county ...
A teenager told a teacher "I'm going to f***** kill you" as she attacked her at a school in Wales, a trial has heard. The defendant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, denies the attempted ...
“While I cannot confirm any potential candidates, Governor Leon Guerrero will be submitting her recommendation for the next president of the Guam Visitors Bureau,” Adelup communications ...
Last week, Money Metals reported uncertainty in the gold and silver markets due to worries about tariffs on precious metals entering the United States. We’re seeing signs that concern is growing, ...
Scout Troop 125 honored Will Weinschreider as its newest Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor attended by family, friends, and fellow Scouts. Will’s Eagle project involved building benches along nature ...
Guam teachers Dianne Hope Tormon West of Okkodo High School and Wendie Flores of Simon Sanchez High School earned the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching ...