mux2to1 not_gate(.out(y[0]),.sel(a),.a(1),.b(0)); mux2to1 and_gate(.out(y[1]),.sel(a),.a(0),.b(b)); mux2to1 or_gate(.out(y[2]),.sel(a),.a(b),.b(1)); mux2to1 nand_gate ...
Logic gates are the bricks and mortar of digital electronics, implementing a logical operation on one or more binary inputs to produce a single output. These operations are what make all ...
For those just getting their start in digital logic, this teaching tool allows different logic gates to be wired together with patch cables. While [David] first thought to use 74-series logic ...
A really simple way to start contributing would be to write some truth table tests for the logic gates, then move up to more complex components.