Amid chants of “Parvesh Verma ko Jai Shree Ram” and “Do number lucky hai, iss baar jeet pakki hai,” BJP candidate Parvesh Verma sought to reconnect with voters at the grassroots level during his poll ...
BJP candidate Parvesh Verma actively campaigns for the New Delhi Assembly seat with door-to-door interactions, promising ...
Exploring the creative and cultural power of visual communication, “Re-Writing the Streets 2.0: The International Language of Stickers” is on display through March 5 at The Gallery at Penn College.
Exploring the creative and cultural power of visual communication, “Re-Writing the Streets 2.0: The International Language of Stickers” is on display through March 5 at The Gallery at Penn College, ...
A former administrative employee is behind an ongoing lawsuit that alleges UVM is using her logo design without compensation, ...
You did notice the new logo, didn't you? Probably not. That's because it's the old logo, just a little thicker. Walmart's ...
They came out on top in our own wind tunnel tests, but how did the Scope Artech 6.A wheels fare in the real world?