Full-year and Q4 net earnings include a pre-tax charge of $395 million for accelerated depreciation and restructuring charges, including $334 million related to the previously announced closure of the ...
As the new series of the BBC's popular entrepreneur show kicks off, a former contestant has revealed her behind-the scenes experience.
FASHION Xの古着回収ボックスをホテルに初めて設置! ~お帰りの荷物を減らし、お客さまの快適な旅をサポートします~  株式会社京王プラザホテル(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:若林 克昌、以下「京王プラザホテル」)、株式会社FASHION X(本社:東京都大田区、代表取締役:畠山 怜之、以下「FASHION X」)、京王電鉄株式会社(本社:東京都多摩市、代表取締役社長:都村 智史、以下「 ...