I know that in today's politicised, polarised world it seems impossible to answer the question without immediately being ...
One Thursday night in October, I noticed a man in his mid-twenties sitting alone at a Pennsylvania brewery where I host a ...
“No. Because the Bible says, let the dead bury the dead ... That’s what this whole thing is about.” Start the day with a ...
The #MeToo wave has crested, leaving in its foam many treasures. Harvey Weinstein is on Rikers Island. Alleluia. Multiple Christian celebrities guilty of abuse are in their own respective prisons.
If nonfiction films are determined to look, feel, and move like fiction, what’s the point of nonfiction filmmaking?
Jacobs, the founder of Yetzirah: A Hearth for Jewish Poetry, has written two previously acclaimed collections: Pelvis with ...
Financial pain at Bible Society Australia is revealed in the annual financial statement recently published on the ACNC ...
Press, in collaboration with Lee County principals and their staffs, are putting outstanding students in the spotlight.
Pretty much everything about the human interaction with Los Angeles has brought us a war with nature we seem no longer to be able to win.
The Sunday gospel lectionary reading for the fourth Sunday before Lent in Year C is Luke 5.1–11, the story of the miraculous catch of fish, as we jump forward into Jesus’ ministry before returning to ...
As a religion scholar, however, I believe one of the greatest loves in the Bible is a story of friendship: the intense ...