Ray Zakovich, 90, said he was very sad to hear of his former boss Clint Hill's passing, calling him the ultimate professional ...
Clint Hill scrambled to protect Kennedy and his young wife, Jacqueline, as they enjoyed an open motorcade tour through Dallas.
Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who leaped onto JFK’s limousine after the president was shot, has died at 93. He spent ...
Secret Service agent Clint Hill was trailing the presidential motorcade in Dallas, Texas, when shots were fired and he jumped onto the back of the car to protect President John F. Kennedy and first ...
Clint Hill a US Secret Service agent, best known for his actions on November 22, 1963, when he leapt onto US President John F Kennedy’s limousine in an attempt to shield the US First Lady after shots ...
Clint Hill, the US Secret Service agent who leaped on John F Kennedy's limousine to shield the mortally wounded president and ...
Secret Service agent who rushed to first lady's side after JFK's assassination dies at 93 The nursing home alternative that's ...
Haunted by what he considered a personal failure, Clint Hill had retired from the Secret Service at the age of 43 ...
Clint Hill received Secret Service awards for his actions on the day of Kennedy's assassination, but retired early because he ...
Clint Hill, who was seen in film footage of the assassination scrambling across the back of the presidential limousine, died at his home. He was 93.
【2月25日 AFP】1963年に当時のジョン・F・ケネディ米大統領が銃撃された際、銃声を聞いてとっさにリムジンに飛び乗り、身をていしてケネディ氏を守ろうとした大統領警護隊(シークレットサービス)の元警護官、クリント・ヒル氏が21日、死去した。93歳。シークレットサービスが公表した。