Haironesah Domado is a development practitioner from Mindanao, Southern Philippines, and is a Maranao Muslim. She has extensive development experience in conflict affected areas in the Philippines, ...
Dr Rebecca Gidley was the editor of New Mandala in 2019 and 2020 while teaching international relations, political science, and history at the College of Asia and Pacific at the Australian National ...
Nurhisham Hussein is a Malaysian economist and General Manager, Economics and Capital Markets at Employees Provident Fund.
Jacqui Baker is a Lecturer in Southeast Asian Politics and a Senior Fellow at Murdoch University’s Indo-Pacific Research Centre where her research focuses on the political economy of development in ...
This post is an adapted version of an article that appears in a special edition of the Journal of Contemporary Asia on “Revolution and Solidarity in Myanmar” (Vol 54 No 5). Before the 2021 military ...
New Mandala provides anecdote, analysis and new perspectives on Southeast Asia. It devotes its attention to the politics and societies of Southeast Asian countries, and their connections with one ...
Liam Gammon is the editor of New Mandala and Research Fellow at the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research at the Australian National University (ANU), where he also sits on the editorial board of ...
Nick Nostitz lived and worked in Thailand for 23 years as a photojournalist and writer, and has contributed extensively to New Mandala’s coverage of Thai political life and conflict since 2008. His ...
A research fellow at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (IKMAS, UKM), Wai Weng's research interests include the intersections between ethnicity, ...
"Can Indonesia have food security without security?" Colum Graham looks at who really benefits from the government’s recent measures to address Indonesia’s food crisis.
Natali Pearson works at the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre at the University of Sydney. She has a PhD in Museum and Heritage Studies, specialising in underwater cultural heritage in Indonesia. Natali is ...
Dr Nicholas Farrelly is the co-founder of New Mandala. A graduate of the Australian National University and the University of Oxford, over the past 20 years he has undertaken research in Thailand, ...
કેટલાક પરિણામો છુપાયેલા છે કારણ કે તે તમારા માટે ઇનઍક્સેસિબલ હોઈ શકે છે.
ઇનઍક્સેસિબલ પરિણામો બતાવો