Catalepsy is a symptom of certain nervous disorders or conditions such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.It is also a characteristic symptom of cocaine withdrawal, as well as one of the features of catatonia.It can be caused by schizophrenia treatment with anti-psychotics, [3] such as haloperidol, [4] and by the anesthetic ketamine. [5] Protein kinase A has been suggested as a mediator of ...
Learn more:Catalepsy is a symptom of certain nervous disorders or conditions such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.It is also a characteristic symptom of cocaine withdrawal, as well as one of the features of catatonia.It can be caused by schizophrenia treatment with anti-psychotics, [3] such as haloperidol, [4] and by the anesthetic ketamine. [5] Protein kinase A has been suggested as a mediator of ... catalepsie is een aandoening van het centrale zenuwstelsel die wordt gekenmerkt door een kortstondig en onvrijwillig verlies van mobiliteit, waarbij de patiënt een starre houding aanneemt. Bewustzijn kan intact zijn, of in verschillende mate worden veranderd.…Een episode van catalepsie kan slechts enkele minuten tot enkele uren duren. In de meeste gevallen zijn het korte en geïsoleerde gebeurtenissen, veroorzaakt door specifieke factoren, zoals bijvoorbeeld de inname van bepaalde medicijnen of drugsgebruik.…Catatonia and catalepsy have differing presentations. Catatonia describes an array of psychomotor disturbances depicting abnormal behavior and movement. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) states that one must show 3 out of 12 of the following symptoms: stupor (i.e., reduced responsiveness), catalepsy, waxy flexibility (i.e., resistance to ... ervaring leert dat risicofactoren kan worden beschouwd cataleptisch aanvallen: sommige psychische en neurologische aandoeningen, organische ziekte van de hersenen, het gebruik van antipsychotica in hoge doses en zelfs een aantal psychologische technieken, die we hieronder bespreken. See moreSee all on Wikipedia
Catalepsy - Wikipedia
Catalepsy is a symptom of certain nervous disorders or conditions such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. It is also a characteristic symptom of cocaine withdrawal, as well as one of the features of catatonia. It can be caused by schizophrenia treatment with anti-psychotics, such as … See more
Catalepsy (from Ancient Greek katálēpsis, κατάληψις, "seizing, grasping") is a neurological condition characterized by muscular rigidity and fixity of posture regardless of external stimuli, as well as decreased … See more
Symptoms include a rigid body, rigid limbs, limbs staying in same position when moved (waxy flexibility), no response, loss of muscle control, and … See more
In the arts, catalepsy is often used for dramatic effect, sometimes as a plot device.
In See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Catalepsi Oorzaken, symptomen en behandeling - Thpanorama
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Catalepsy: What Is It, Causes, Signs, …
Jan 6, 2025 · Catatonia and catalepsy have differing presentations. Catatonia describes an array of psychomotor disturbances depicting abnormal behavior and movement. The …
Catalepsie: wat is het, behandeling? - I Live! OK
Catalepsie - Wikipedia
Catalepsy: Signs, Causes, Treatment, and Coping
Dec 21, 2021 · Catalepsy involves a loss of motion, fixed posture, and less sensitivity to pain. It is a symptom of conditions including schizophrenia, catatonia, and Parkinson's disease.
Catalepsie: wat is het, symptomen, oorzaken en bijbehorende ...
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Catalepsy - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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