Goals of Explaining Brain Functions Underlying Anxiety Disorders • Provide explanations that reduce anxiety • Increase client understanding of • anxiety in the brain • why treatment is effective • how medications affect …
Goals of Explaining Brain Functions Underlying Anxiety Disorders • Provide explanations that reduce anxiety • Increase client understanding of • anxiety in the brain • why treatment is effective • how medications affect anxiety • Increase willingness to comply with treatment • Increase use of treatment strategies
Anxiety is not necessarily a pleasant feeling, but is the psychological indicator of something you need to pay attention to and explore in your life. When feeling anxious, text yourself: “Anxiety …
Anxiety Sensitivity •Exaggerated response to physiological alterations associated with anxiety and fear •Initiates positive feedback loop which leads to more anxiety and fear •Cognitive bias …
Functional brain imaging results obtained under resting conditions in patients who have GAD have tended to be inconsistent; provocative anxiety-inducing tasks have produced more robust and …
Cognitive skills can help us with most types of anxiety problems. They work best when… … we can identify negative thoughts that make us feel worse in certain situations …anxiety is triggered by …
Advances in neuropharmacol-ogy and molecular biology have enabled elucidation of mul-tiple chemical neurotransmitter systems that play roles in fear and anxiety behavior.
“Fear, worry, anxiety, panic, and depression block individuals from living fully. This book does an excellent job of unraveling the mys-teries of the brain and how it causes anxiety, thus allowing …
· Anxiety and the brain 17 In the late 1920s, Freud changed his ideas again. He argued we were all prone to automatic anxiety, triggered by a traumatic situation in …
the reality of a threatening situation, anxiety keeps the brain (and body) on alert at all times, thus is problematic. Although the goal is not to dismiss anxiety entirely or conceptualize solely as …