非接触型指ハイブリッドスキャナ : 指ハイブリッド認証製品 | NEC
Fingerprint Biometric Authentication and Verification - HID Global
指静脈認証管理システム - 日立製作所
HID Livescan: Electronic Fingerprinting Technology - HID Global
生体認証(バイオメトリクス認証)とは? 技術的な仕組みと ...
Fingerprint Biometric Authentication and Verification - HID Global
生体認証(バイオメトリクス認証)とは ? 現代の安全な認証 - Okta
Biometric Authentication: Products & Solutions | NEC
NEC's six original biometric authentication technologies–face recognition, iris recognition, fingerprint/palmprint recognition, voice recognition, and ear acoustic authentication–are the best of their class in the world. NEC provides the most suitable solutions to match customer needs with its biometric authentication …
Biometric Fingerprint Scanners (2024 Portfolio) - Thales
Thales Cogent offers a range of biometric scanners for enrollment, verification, identification, and law enforcement applications. The scanners capture high-quality fingerprints and palm prints with advanced optical system, USB connection, and software development kit.
MorphoWave range: contactless fingerprint scanner
2023年9月4日 · MorphoWave is a range of biometric readers that scan and verify fingerprints in less than 1 second with a touchless hand wave gesture. It offers high performance, security, convenience and versatility for various access control applications and environments.