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  1. Types of fertilizers include12345:
    1. Slow- and Controlled-Release Fertilizers: Provide nutrients over an extended period of time.
    2. Inorganic Fertilizers: Mined or synthesized from non-living materials.
    3. Organic Fertilizers: Gradually release nutrients as they decompose.
    4. Nitrogenous Fertilizers: Provide nitrogen to crops.
    5. Phosphorus Fertilizers: Used for plant root growth.
    6. Potassium Fertilizers: Used as a single source of potassium for crops.
    7. Mineral fertilizers and Organo-mineral fertilizers.
    Learn more:

    Types of Fertilizer

    • Slow- and Controlled-Release Fertilizers Slow- and controlled-release fertilizers provide nutrients to plant roots over an extended period of time. ... …
    Fertilizers are categorised in a number of ways. They're categorised as "straight fertilizers" if they just give one nutrient (e.g., K, P, or N). Multinutrient fertilizers (also known as "complex fertilizers") include two or more nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
    Different types of plant fertilizers are accessible to farmers, but the two most common are organic and inorganic. Nutrients in organic products are gradually released while the substance decomposes over time, while artificially synthesized inorganic products allow for the rapid uptake of nutrients by plants.

    Types of Fertilizers

    • Nitrogenous Fertilizers: They are source of nitrogen to the crops. They help in increasing the yield and promote the growth of plants. ...
    Plant Nutrition Products. Mineral fertilizers. Organo-mineral fertilizers.…
  2. Complete guide to Types of Fertilizers : Their Classification and Use

  3. Nutrient Management :: Fertilizers - Tamil Nadu …

    Fertilizer is any material of natural or synthetic origin added to the soil to supply one or more plant nutrients. 1. Straight fertilizers: Straight fertilizers are those which supply only one primary plant nutrient, namely nitrogen or phosphorus or …

  4. Classification of fertilizers

  5. Types of fertilizers - Cropaia

    Fertilizers are compounds that are used in agriculture to supply nutrients for plants. They can be classified in a variety of ways. A specific fertilizer can belong to multiple fertilizer types. Fertilizers can be either organic or inorganic …

  6. Chapter 4 - Chemical fertilizers | Unit-II - Fertilizers and …

    Chemical fertilizers can be classified based on their nutrient content and chemical composition. Here are some common types of chemical fertilizers: Nitrogen fertilizers: These fertilizers contain nitrogen in various forms, such as …

  7. Classification of chemical fertilizers/inorganic fertilizer - Basic ...

  8. AE: Lesson 16. Chemical fertilizers - e-Krishi Shiksha

  9. 04. Classification of fertilizers – N, P and K fertilizers ...

  10. Manures and Fertilizers and their classification - New Agri India