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  1. Crambe maritima - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden

  2. ハマナ(浜菜) (Crambe maritima)の特徴,育て方,花言葉 ...

  3. Crambe maritima - Wikipedia

  4. クランベ マリティマ|おぎはら植物園

    Crambe maritima Memo 扱いやすい小型の原種 厚みのあるシルバーグレーの葉が地面を這うようにコンパクトに展開する 春にはたくさんの白花を咲かせ、見頃となる 葉や姿がきれいなので周年楽しめて、ロックガーデンにもよく似合う Data ...

  5. Crambe maritima L. - GBIF

  6. Biological Flora of the British Isles: Crambe maritima

    2015年2月19日 · Crambe maritima (Sea-kale) is a perennial maritime plant, with a fleshy taproot and a succession of waxy, cabbage-like leaves produced above ground level in spring. It occurs in exposed, sunny positi...

  7. Crambe maritima – A halophytic perennial plant

  8. Crambe maritima (Sea Kale) - Gardenia

    Crambe maritima (Sea Kale) is a robust herbaceous perennial forming a fantastic clump of large, lobed, wavy-edged powdery-blue leaves. Resembling cabbage leaves, they form a bold foliage mound that is handsome in its own right. In summer, dense sprays of small, fragrant creamy-white flowers are carried …

  9. Crambe maritima - Cambridge University Botanic Garden

    2024年5月17日 · A British native, sea kale (Crambe maritima) is a robust perennial which endures tough conditions. It grows on shingle beaches, sand dunes and sea cliffs along the coastline of the British Islesis usually found growing in the British Isles, but also occurs from western Europe to the …

  10. Crambe maritima L. - GBIF

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