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    Christmas in Croatia: Traditions & How to Celebrate

    • The day of Christmas in Croatia begins with another round of “Sretan Božić” (Merry Christmas) greetings and with gift giving among the family members, after which a family breakfast is served. Most fa… さらに表示

    Christmas in Croatia

    The Christmas season in Croatia is the perfect time to visit the country. It is the most festive period of the year where people gather to be around their families. Croatian C… さらに表示

    Meet the Slavs
    St Catherine’s Day

    This day is not the actual beginning of the holiday season, but rather a “warning” that the Christmas festivities are near, and, that people of Croatia should get ready! There is an interest… さらに表示

    Meet the Slavs
    Advent Wreath

    The 4th Sunday before Christmas is Advent Sunday which marks the beginning of Advent and an official beginning of the Christmas season. According to tradition, families bu… さらに表示

    Meet the Slavs
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