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    Harpy - Dragon's Dogma Wiki

    • Harpies are winged flying beasts with the body, legs and wings of a large bird such as a condor or vulture, but with the face of a beautiful woman. They do not speak though their song affects humans, lulling … さらに表示


    1. As with other flying enemies, setting the wings on fire will cripple them, turning them into flightless birds. 2. If their grab attack will miss, creatures will immediately land to rest for a … さらに表示

    Pawn Chatter

    "A woman...?"
    "A fiend with woman's form!"(no bestiary knowledge)
    "There, Master! Harpies!"
    "Strike, lest the harpy sing!"
    "Slay them … さらに表示


    Harpies (like Bandits and Goblins) can sometimes be found guarding a human captive in a cage, which triggers a random Leave No Prisonersrescue quest.
    (Glitch) The action of the spell Petrifaction… さらに表示

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