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  2. ドゥルセ・デ・レチェ - Wikipedia

    • ドゥルセ・デ・レチェ(西: dulce de leche)は、固体または液体キャラメルでラテンアメリカの伝統的な糖菓である。砂糖を入れた牛乳をゆっくりと加熱して作る。 アルゼンチン、チリ、ウルグアイ、パラグアイ、ブラジルを中心に、ボリビア、ペルー、エクアドル、コロンビア、ベネズエラ、パナマ、コスタリカ、エルサルバドル、ホンジュラス、グアテマラ、メキシコ … 詳細


    • ドゥルセ・デ・レチェ - アルゼンチンウルグアイコスタリカエルサルバドルグァテマラ詳細


    ドゥルセ・デ・レチェの起源については様々な説があり、生産国の多くがドゥルセ・デ・レチェの発展に寄与していることから、どの説が本当なのかを見極めるのは難しい。近年広く言われているのは、他の文化的なものと同様、… 詳細


    レシピにバリエーションがあるため、名称が変わることも … 詳細

  1. Dulce de leche, which literally means "candy made from milk," is a thick and sugary caramel-like sauce that's made by slowly heating sweet milk.
    Dulce de leche, which literally means "candy made from milk," is a thick and sugary caramel-like sauce that's made by slowly heating sweet milk.
    Dulce de leche means “milk candy” in Spanish and is also known as milk caramel. A very popular spread in South America, it is made by cooking sweetened milk which then turns into dulce de leche.
    Jamoncillo candy, also known as the sweet sensation dulce de leche or leche condensada (condensed milk) in certain spots, is a classic treat hailing from Mexico and beyond in Latin America.
  2. 2-Ingredient Dulce De Leche Candy (Milk Fudge) Recipe

    2023年9月5日 · Learn how to make dulce de leche candy, a Mexican milk fudge, with only two ingredients: sweetened condensed milk and pecans. This easy recipe requires slow cooking for 8 hours and yields a rich and creamy caramel …

    • レビュー数: 2
    • カテゴリ: Dessert
    • 料理: Latin American, Mexican
    • 合計時間: 80 時間 5 分
  3. Mexican Milk Fudge (Jamoncillo) - The Busy Abuelita

    2021年10月12日 · Learn how to make jamoncillo, a soft, sweet candy similar to dulce de leche, with only 4 ingredients. This easy recipe yields a rich and creamy fudge with a caramelized taste and a velvety texture.

    • カテゴリ: Dessert
    • 合計時間: 2 時間 25 分
  4. Jamoncillo- Dulce de Leche Candy - La Piña en la Cocina

  5. Dulce de Leche Candy Recipe - The Spruce Eats

    2022年2月3日 · Dulce de leche is a rich, creamy caramelized milk candy made from sweetened condensed milk. Learn how to make it on your stovetop or in a slow cooker.

    • 評価の数: 57
    • カロリー: 143 (1 人分)
    • カテゴリ: Dessert, Snack, Candy
  6. Dulce de Leche Fudge - Vintage Kitchen Notes

    2023年9月24日 · It's a homemade candy with a terrific flavor combination. Easy to make and creamy, it has a velvety texture and makes a great holiday gift and dessert. If you've never tried dulce de leche, you're in for a treat. Take it to potlucks and bake sales, or make it for snacking during back-to-school season …

  7. What Is Dulce de Leche and How Do You Make It?

    2024年3月20日 · Dulce de leche is a thick and sugary caramel-like sauce made by heating sweet milk. Learn how to make it at home with a can of sweetened condensed milk and how to use it in desserts like cakes, cookies, and brownies.

  8. Dulce de leche - Wikipedia

    Dulce de leche (Spanish: [ˈdulse ðe ˈletʃe, ˈdulθe]), caramelized milk, milk candy, or milk jam is a confectionery popular in Latin America, France, Poland, and the Philippines prepared by slowly heating sugar and milk over several hours. The substance takes on a spreadable, sauce-like consistency and derives its rich …

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