約 1,260,000 件の結果
- Energy saving is the practice of reducing the amount of energy used for various purposes, such as heating, lighting, or transportation.Some ways to save energy include12:
- Turning down the heating and adjusting the boiler settings
- Sealing the warm air in by closing windows and doors, and using curtains and insulation
- Swapping out old light bulbs for energy-efficient ones, such as LED or CFL
- Using smart power strips or timers to turn off appliances when not in use
- Installing a programmable or smart thermostat to regulate the temperature
- Purchasing energy-efficient appliances that have a high energy rating
- Reducing the water heating expenses by using less hot water, lowering the thermostat, or installing a solar water heater
- Using alternative modes of transportation, such as biking, public transport, or carpooling
- Driving smarter by maintaining the speed limit, avoiding idling, and keeping the tires inflated
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- 1. Heating: turn it down ...
- 2. Boiler: adjust the settings ...
www.iea.org/topics/saving-energywww.energysage.com/energy-efficiency/ways-to-sa… 家庭でできるエネルギー節約方法10選|今すぐできる省エネの ...
省エネの基本|でんきの省エネ術|東京電力エナジー ...
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