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  2. 30-Minute Full Body Stretching Routine with PDF

  3. 30 Day Full Body Stretching Routine with PDF - The …

    2023年1月4日 · 30 Day Full Body Stretching Routine (Daily): 1. Warrior II: 10-sec/side 2. Tree Pose: 10-sec/side 3. Extended Side Angle: 10-sec/side 4. Shoulder roll: 15-sec 5. Cat Cow Pose: 15-sec 6. Head to Knee Pose: 15-sec 7. Child's Pose: 15-sec 8. Butterfly Stretch: 15-sec.

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  5. Full Body Stretching Routine pdf - A Lean Life

    2024年1月26日 · A full body stretching routine pdf is an excellent way to get a full body stretch in an organized, structured manner. You can perform the entire body stretch in less than 20 minutes, and realize the full benefits a well-rounded .

  6. Daily Stretch Routine For Men and Women | PDF - Scribd

    This 30-day stretching routine aims to improve flexibility, balance, muscle coordination and bone health. Each day focuses on different full-body stretching exercises to be held for 10-30 seconds. Exercises are organized in rounds or sets to be completed daily, with the number of rounds increasing throughout the …

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