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    How To Get A Japanese Phone Number: A Guide For …

    • Why do you need a Japanese phone number? How much does it cost to get a Japanese phone number? 1. Choose a Japanese phone plan 2. Apply online or in-store 3. Wait for the SIM card 4. Activate the SI… さらに表示

    Why do you need a Japanese phone number?

    Having a Japanese phone number will let you get a bank account, sign an apartment or house lease, get a subscription service, etc. At the very least, it will make your life in Japan mu… さらに表示

    How much does it cost to get a Japanese phone number?

    Japanese mobile phone number plan comparison Japanese phone companies are either a … さらに表示

    The overall process of getting a Japanese phone number

    1. Choose a Japanese phone plan This article introduced Mobal, Sakura Mobile, and IIjmio, but there are also Rakuten Mobile, AU, Docomo, and Softbank which are major … さらに表示

    How to get a Japanese phone number for your business

    If you want to enter the Japanese market, your business needs to be able to cater and offer the same customer service that consumers expect. That’s where MailMate’s bilingual re… さらに表示

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