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  2. 別名Alsatian wolf dog · Berger Allemand · Deutscher Schäferhund · Schäferhund
    愛称Alsatian · Deutscher Schäferhund · DSH · GSD · Shepherd · Schäferhund

    ジャーマン・シェパード(ドイツ語: Deutscher Schäferhund : German Shepherd Dog)は、ドイツ原産の犬種。マックス・フォン・シュテファニッツ(英語版)元騎兵大尉がドイツの牧羊犬から開発した。日本国内 … 詳細


    ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグは1890年代標準化が試みられていた 。羊を飼い、羊の群れを外敵から守るという仕事に役立つ形質を維持するために、犬の繁殖が行われていた 。ドイツでは、羊飼いたちが犬を選び、繁殖させる … 詳細


    中型で頑健な体に強靭な筋力を持っており全体的にがっしりとしている 。顔つきは精悍で鋭い。体毛はダブルコートの短毛である。以前は長毛の個体は除去されていたが現在は別の犬籍簿で管理され展覧会の出陳も可能である。 … 詳細


    安定した性格であるが大胆でもある。自信に満ちつつも注意深く、全体的に落ち着いていて訓練しやすい 。
    軍用犬や警察犬として世界中で最も多く使用され、家庭犬としての人気も高い。飼育頭数が多いため … 詳細

  1. German Shepherd - Wikipedia

    2002年9月2日 · The German Shepherd, [ a ] also known in Britain as an Alsatian, is a German breed of working dog of medium to large size. The breed was developed by Max von Stephanitz using various traditional German herding dogs from 1899. It was originally bred as a herding dog, for herding sheep.

  2. 14 Different Types of German Shepherds (With Pictures)

  3. German Shepherd Dog Dog Breed Information

    Learn more about the German Shepherd Dog including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. Is the German Shepherd Dog the right breed for...

  4. Male vs Female German Shepherd: The Differences …

    2024年10月10日 · Male German Shepherds are usually intense and serious animals. They are incredibly sharp, taking note of everything going on around them. Because of their territorial nature and quickness to...

  5. Female vs. Male German Shepherds: What’s The …

    2019年5月7日 · When you’re talking about a female vs male German shepherd, there are advantages and disadvantages for both. In this article, we will take a detailed look at various differences between male and female German Shepherds. We will compare their size, aggression, activity levels, feeding, temperament, …

  6. Male vs Female German Shepherd: Which is Better?

    2021年1月27日 · There are advantages and disadvantages to owning a female or male German Shepherd. But a quick overview of male vs. female German Shepherds will give you an easy comparison. German Shepherds are also referred to as Alsatians in parts of Europe and in Great Britain.

  7. German Shepherd Male vs Female: Key Differences to …

    2024年8月10日 · Male German Shepherds are often larger in size and have a more dominant personality compared to females. They may be more protective of their family and territory, making them excellent guard dogs. However, they can also be

  8. German Shepherd: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

    2023年10月19日 · German shepherd dogs are one of the most popular breeds in the world, treasured for their intelligence, loyalty, and athleticism. They're large brown-and-black dogs with a streamlined build that makes them both strong and agile.

  9. The Male German Shepherd: Traits, Temperament, and …

    2024年1月10日 · In this article, we will explore the characteristics and traits of the male German Shepherd, as well as their role in various settings such as law enforcement, search and rescue, and as beloved family pets.

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