With all the manufacturers and styles of Fly Tying hooks, it can get confusing when you need to substitute one manufacturer for another. Here is Mustad’s Fly Tying & Fly Fishing Comprehensive Hook Conversion / Comparison Chart: Mustad’s Fly Hook Comparison / Conversion Chart.
Learn more:With all the manufacturers and styles of Fly Tying hooks, it can get confusing when you need to substitute one manufacturer for another. Here is Mustad’s Fly Tying & Fly Fishing Comprehensive Hook Conversion / Comparison Chart: Mustad’s Fly Hook Comparison / Conversion Chart.
hooklineandsinker.ca/fly-tyers-hook-guide-hook-con…TYPE: Mustad: Tiemco: Daiichi: Orvis: Partridge: Shank: Weight: Eye: Bend: Dry /Nymph: 3366 : S: S: S: S: Wet/Nymph: 33956 : S+1/4" S: TDU: S: Streamer: 33957 : S+1/2 ...
buckeyeflyfishers.com/buffsql/articles/hook_xref/h…A worm hook size chart is a helpful tool for anglers to determine the appropriate hook size for fishing with worms. It displays the recommended hook sizes based on the length and thickness of the worm being used.
freshwaterfishingadvice.com/hooks-for-freshwater …The Mustad Alpha Point Apex Wide Drop Shot Hook and Weedless Drop Shot Hook come in five sizes ranging from a four to a large 2/0 size. This forged hook in 1x fine wire yields a large gap for rigging baits of all sizes.
www.fishusa.com/learn/the-mustad-alpha-point-ho…fly hook cross reference chart. description current model # strength/length/other mustad tmc daiichidai-riki c51s bln std / 1xl discontinued c52s bln std / 2xl c52s bln 8089 2720, 2722 ck52s std / 2xl ck52s n/a n/a c53s std / 3xl c53s 200r 1270 270 c67s 2xh / 3xs c67s 105 1150, 1510
www.hooklineandsinker.ca/wp-content/uploads/20…Fly Tyers Hook Guide & Hook Conversion / Comparison …
Mar 25, 2016 · With all the manufacturers and styles of Fly Tying hooks, it can get confusing when you need to substitute one manufacturer for another. Here is Mustad’s Fly Tying & Fly Fishing Comprehensive Hook Conversion / …
Fly Hook Comparison Chart - Mustad
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