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  1. Paronychia (nail infection): Causes and treatments

    • Home remedies for paronychia, or an infected nail, include soaking in warm water and applying lemon and salt. In some cases, medical treatment may be necessary.… さらに表示

    What is paronychia?

    Paronychia is an infection of the surrounding tissue where the nail meets the skin. Onychia is an infection of the nail itself, which causes inflammation of the nail and s… さらに表示

    Medical News Today

    Some symptoms of paronychia resemble those of different skin infections. Other … さらに表示

    Medical News Today

    Paronychia occurs when the skin around the nail becomes damaged, allowing germs to enter.
    Bacteria or fungi can cause the infection, such as St… さらに表示

    Medical News Today

    Doctors diagnose paronychia by identifying the type of bacteria or fungi causing the infection.
    They will obtain a clipping of the nail or take a swab of t… さらに表示

    Medical News Today
  1. Nail Infection (Paronychia) - Cleveland Clinic

  2. Nail Infection (Paronychia): What It Is, Symptoms, …

    2024年2月24日 · Paronychia is a type of nail infection, most commonly caused by the bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, which affects the skin around the nail (called nail folds). It can also occur as a result of a fungal nail infection, referred to as onychomycosis. Symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, and pus …

  3. 英語から翻訳されました。


    Dr. Aakash Guptaverified specialist
    MBBS, MD, FRGUHS Dermatology
    完全なプロフィールを表示LinkedIn logoLinkedIn


    急性爪周囲炎: 原因はブドウ球菌の感染で、指の爪を噛んだり、爪へのその他の外傷や損傷が原因となることがあります。

    慢性爪周囲炎: それはカンジダ酵母によって引き起こされます。 細菌が原因の場合もあります。









    • 隣接組織の痛み
    • 組織の腫れ
    • 爪の周りの膿と赤み
    • エポニキウムに広がる感染症


    • むくみ、紅斑、圧痛のない爪のひだ
    • 厚くなって変色したネイルプレート
    • キューティクルや爪のひだが爪甲から離れることがあります


    • 良好な衛生状態を維持する
    • 噛んだり、ピッキングしたりすることによるトラウマを避ける
    • 手と足をできるだけ乾いた状態に保つ
    • 刺激性物質との接触を避けるため、手袋を着用してください。
    • 月に 1 回程度、足の爪を整えてください。

    合併 症

    • 蜂窩織炎
    • 感染性腱炎
    • 爪ジストロフィー

    ソース: Focus Medica (英語)は、[日本語] に翻訳されました。 情報提供のみを目的としています。アドバイスが必要な場合は医療の専門家にご相談ください。 詳細情報
  4. Nail diseases chart: Pictures, symptoms, and treatments

    2023年2月10日 · Several different types of molds and fungus can affect nails. They grow when a crack or break traps fungi between the nail and the nail bed. Sweat, athlete’s foot, and salon manicures and...

  5. Paronychia (nail fold infection): Causes, Images, …

    2024年7月7日 · Paronychia is the inflammation of the skin around a finger or toenail. It can be acute or chronic and is usually due to a bacterial infection, however viral pathogens may also be implicated.

  6. 他の人はこちらも質問
  7. Nail fungus - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

  8. Fungal Nail Infections - WebMD

  9. Paronychia | Symptoms of a Nail Infection & How To …

    2024年4月8日 · When the skin around your fingernails or toenails gets infected, it’s called paronychia. The skin next to the nail is called the nail fold. Most of the time, paronychia is caused by bacteria (usually Staphylococcus aureus) that gets into the nail fold. Sometimes it can be from a yeast, like Candida.

  10. Fungal Nail Infection: Overview, Causes & Treatments

    2024年7月16日 · A fungal nail infection, also known as onychomycosis or tinea unguium, happens when a fungus that’s normally in your fingernails or toenails overgrows.

  11. Fungal nail infection - NHS

    2024年12月18日 · Fungal nail infections usually start at the edge of the nail. The infection often spreads to all of the nail, making it thicker and turning it white or yellow. The nail may become brittle and crumbly. The whole nail can sometimes lift off, causing the skin around it to become swollen and painful.

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