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  1. Ear and Sinus Congestion: How to Relieve Painful …

    • Your ears can feel congested due to sinus congestion, altitude changes, middle ear issues, wax buildup, and more. If you also experience pain, balance problems, or hearing loss, a doctor can help diagnose the u… さらに表示

    Ear congestion remedies

    Sinus-related issues
    Any condition that causes sinus congestion can also cause ear congestion. This includes: •common … さらに表示

    Other medical causes of ear congestion

    Meniere’s disease
    This is an inner ear disorder that causes severe dizziness and … さらに表示

    When to consult a doctor or other healthcare professional

    Make an appointment with a healthcare professional if your ear congestion lasts more than two weeks or is accompanied by:
    •fever… さらに表示

    Frequently asked questions

    What can you do to decongest your ears naturally?
    Gently blowing through your nose while pinching your nostrils and keeping your mouth clo… さらに表示

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