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  1. 105 Easy 3 Chord Guitar Songs (2025 With Tabs)

    • One of the greatest rock acts of all time, “Sweet Home Alabama,” is a masterpiece. One of the most exciting guitar riffs ever; you might not realize at first that this is a 3 chord song because the note… さらに表示

    Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Deep Blue Something

    With only three chords to master, this mid-90s earworm makes a perfect addition to this list. Released by the alt-rock band Deep Blue Something, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” took the w… さらに表示

    Guitar Lobby
    Closer by Chain Smokers

    Racing all the way up to the top of the charts and sitting pretty for weeks in a row is no ordinary feat. But this 2016 EDM track by the Chainsmokers managed exactly that! Halsey’s v… さらに表示

    Guitar Lobby
    Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars

    Heartfelt lyrics, dreamy vocals, and beautiful melodies have made Bruno Mars the hit-making machine that he is. In his 2010 solo debut, “Just the Way You Are,” Mars is s… さらに表示

    Guitar Lobby
    Shake It Off by Taylor Swift

    Shake it Off is a pop anthem that encourages self-confidence and resilience. The song has a lot of positive energy. It was released in 2014 by Taylor Swift as a single fro… さらに表示

    Guitar Lobby
  1. Top 100 Best 3-Chord Guitar Songs Of All Time

  2. The 35 Best Easy & Famous Guitar Songs with 3 Chords or ...

  3. Top 50 Famous & Easy 3 Chord Guitar Songs – Tabs …

    2022年11月20日 · There are so many songs that use only three chords and sometimes even less! For beginner guitar players this might seem unbelievable, but the music doesn’t have to be complex and impossible to play to be good.

  4. Basics: 10 Famous Songs Using Only 3 Chords

    公開日: 2014年9月26日
    推定読み取り時間:7 分

    This time around, we'll take one step down and give you 10 famous songs based around three chords only. Check out the rundown below. Bill Haley and the Comets - "Rock Around the Clock" (E,...

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  6. 30 Easy 3-Chord Songs to Play on Guitar

    2022年8月21日 · While it’s true that the guitar can be a lifelong pursuit you’ll never fully master, you really can learn to play hundreds, if not thousands, of popular and legendary songs in just a few days, using only a few chords. So today we’ve put …

  7. Songs you can play with just three chords - Fret Zealot

    2022年4月7日 · Many popular songs are built of three simple chords (or can be played with only three chords). Mastering a few chords will put dozens of sing-along worthy tunes in your arsenal. Here is a partial list of three-song chords: Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd. G Cadd9 D.

  8. 25+ Fun 3 Chord Songs To Play On Guitar (For …

    2022年10月6日 · Learn to play hundreds of songs with just 3 or 4 chords on the acoustic guitar. From classics like Lean on Me and Three Little Birds to modern hits like Royals and Sweet Home Alabama, this article covers a variety of genres and styles.

  9. 31 Easy 3 Chord Guitar Songs - GearAficionado

    2023年5月18日 · In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 31 three-chord guitar songs that are easy to learn and fun to play. We’ll explain how to play each song and provide links to both chords and tutorials to help you get started.

  10. Easy 3-Chord Songs on the Guitar (roundup) - Guitar …

    2024年11月10日 · A roundup of ten easy songs to play on the guitar with only three chords, good for beginners or just simple practice.

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