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    Outback - Wikipedia

    The Outback is a remote, vast, sparsely populated area of Australia. The Outback is more remote than the bush. While often envisaged as being arid, the Outback regions extend from the northern to southern Australian coastlines and encompass a number of climatic zones, including tropical and monsoonal … Meer weergeven

    Aboriginal peoples have lived in the Outback for at least 50,000 years and occupied all Outback regions, including the driest deserts, when Europeans first entered central … Meer weergeven

    Environment afbeelding
    Industry afbeelding

    The largest industry across the Outback, in terms of the area occupied, is pastoralism, in which cattle, sheep, and sometimes goats are grazed in mostly intact, natural ecosystems. Widespread use of bore water, … Meer weergeven

    Aboriginal communities in outback regions, such as the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands in northern South Australia, have not been displaced as they have been in … Meer weergeven

    The term "outback" derives from the adverbial phrase referring to the back yard of a house , and came to be used meiotically in the late 1800s to describe the vast sparsely settled regions of Australia behind the cities and towns. The earliest … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding

    Global significance
    The paucity of industrial land use has led to the Outback being recognised globally as one of the largest remaining intact natural areas on Earth. Global "Human Footprint" and wilderness reviews highlight the … Meer weergeven

    Facilities afbeelding
    Transport afbeelding

    The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) started service in 1928 and helps people who live in the outback of Australia. Previously, serious injuries or illnesses often meant … Meer weergeven

    The outback is criss-crossed by historic tracks. Most of the major highways have an excellent bitumen surface and other major roads … Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. Outback - Wikipedia

  3. Guide to the Australian Outback - Tourism Australia

    From deep cultural connections to awe-inspiring natural wonders, here’s how to experience the spirit of the outback. By Amy Fraser. A place of red deserts, blue skies, wide-open spaces, and spiritual Aboriginal places, there are no defined …

  4. De Outback van Australië in 6 iconische hoogtepunten - Reishonger

  5. A first-time guide to Outback Australia - Lonely Planet

  6. Mensen vragen ook naar
  7. Outback | Highlights & bezienswaardigheden

    Bekijk op alle bezienswaardigheden van Outback. We nemen je mee op reis met foto's, tips, reviews en video's. Ontdek de highlights van Outback!

  8. The Best Experiences in the Australian outback

    Australia’s outback is home to diverse landscapes, from red sandy desert to lush national parks, which is why a road trip is one of the best ways to see it all. You could find yourself stopping on a whim to search for waterfalls, meeting the …

  9. Outback | Alle tips, reviews en reizen vind je op …

    De Outback lijkt op het eerste gezicht niet meer dan een barre woestenij, maar een tocht door haar ruige landschappen is onvergetelijk. In een 4WD verken je …

    • Recensies: 17