- The Tokyo Manji Gang, also known as Toman, is a biker gang based in Tokyo, more precisely Shibuya in the World of Tokyo Revengers. It is the main focus of the Tokyo Revengers series, and was founded by five friends, namely Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Kazutora, and Hayashida.Learn more:The Tokyo Manji Gang, also known as Toman, is a biker gang based in Tokyo, more precisely Shibuya in the World of Tokyo Revengers. It is the main focus of the Tokyo Revengers series, and was founded by five friends, namely Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Kazutora, and Hayashida.gamerant.com/tokyo-revengers-tokyo-manji-gang-…The Tokyo Manji Gang, also referred to as Toman, is a biker gang that spawned in Shibuya, in Tokyo Japan. The gang was founded on the 19th of June, in 2003 with 5 original members, namely Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Kazutora, Baji, and Musashi.gamerant.com/tokyo-revengers-tokyo-manji-gang-e…
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Category:Organizations | Tokyo Revengers Wiki | Fandom
This is a category page that lists all gang organizations. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Tokyo Revengers: The Tokyo Manji Gang, Explained - Game Rant
Tokyo Revengers: 16 Best Tokyo Manji Gang Members, Ranked
The Iconic Founding Members of Tokyo Manji Gang!
Jan 21, 2023 · Tokyo Manji Gang or Toman was founded on June 19, 2003, after Manjiro Sano defeated Kazutora’s childhood friend and his group all alone. Mikey just wanted to protect Kazutora from getting hurt but this incident led to the …
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Tokyo Revengers: Who Are The Tokyo Manji Gang? - Game Rant
Tokyo Manji gang’s members list! [Tokyo Revengers]
Jan 24, 2022 · The Tokyo Manji gang is a biker gang team at the heart of the Tokyo Revengers story, and is led by its president, Sano Manjiro (aka Mikey). The main character, Takemichi, is also a member of this team, and the story of their …
List of Tokyo Revengers characters - Wikipedia
List of Characters | Tokyo Revengers Wiki | Fandom
Characters in Tokyo Revengers Tokyo Manji Gang - TV …
Curb-Stomp Battle: Peh-yan becomes the Tokyo Manji Gang's representative during their opening fight with Tenjiku, and he downs Madarame with a single punch. The Ditz : He's only slightly smarter than Pah-chin; that's how low the …